Lee High Invitational
Lee High School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Champions &
Final Team Standings
Place |
School |
Points |
1 |
Brother Martin |
191 |
2 |
Holy Cross |
182 |
Champions & Runners-Up
(Outstanding Wrestler in Bold)
Weight Class
98 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Gus Mazroy |
Lee |
2 |
Walter Lee |
R.L. Turner |
3 |
Mike LeBlanc |
De La Salle |
4 |
Jim Wentzell |
Sulphur |
5 |
Mike Wright |
Jeanerette |
6 |
Bob Dauterive |
Brother Martin |
Back to
105 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
David Rowan (OW) |
Holy Cross |
2 |
Mario Villanuevea |
Brother Martin |
3 |
Rodi Rispone |
Redemptorist |
4 |
Galvy Vincent |
Acadiana |
5 |
Roy Ferguson |
R.L. Turner |
6 |
Marc Volz |
Airline |
Back to
112 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Chris Burrow |
R.L. Turner |
2 |
Van Bush |
Lee |
3 |
Timmy Lott |
Holy Cross |
4 |
Matt Redding |
West Jefferson |
5 |
Ben Villar |
Airline |
6 |
Craig Clark |
Acadiana |
Back to
119 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Aaron Zimmer |
Jesuit |
2 |
Robert Furtado |
Bonnabel |
3 |
Nicky Anderson |
St. Mark's |
4 |
Ken Spellman |
Brother Martin |
5 |
Gary Vitrano |
Rummel |
6 |
Danny Lantier |
Acadiana |
Back to
126 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Tony Michelli |
Brother Martin |
2 |
Craig Barker |
R.L. Turner |
3 |
Jerome Breaux |
Airline |
4 |
Craig Mistretta |
Redemptorist |
5 |
Bill Pittman |
St. Mark's |
6 |
Bryan Potier |
Acadiana |
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132 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Ari Miller |
R.L. Turner |
2 |
Rene Colon |
Brother Martin |
3 |
Willie Green |
Baker |
4 |
Mike Backofen |
Airline |
5 |
Victor Woods |
Brusly |
6 |
Glen Cavalier |
Holy Cross |
Back to
138 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Gene Casadaban |
Brother Martin |
2 |
David Altman |
Baker |
3 |
Pat Mumme |
Holy Cross |
4 |
John Thurmon |
Parkway |
5 |
P.J. Aubrey |
R.L. Turner |
6 |
Dan Jones |
Brusly |
Back to
145 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Otis Thomas |
Parkway |
2 |
Scott Peters |
R.L. Turner |
3 |
Keith Eccles |
West Jefferson |
4 |
Randy Willis |
Baker |
5 |
John Thompson |
Belaire |
6 |
Jerry Miller |
St. Mark's |
Back to
155 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Pat Williams |
Brother Martin |
2 |
Clarence Sutton |
Jeanerette |
3 |
Peter Bush |
Tara |
4 |
Ben Cupit |
Baker |
5 |
Kelvin Wate |
Northside |
6 |
Mark Harter |
Holy Cross |
Back to
167 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Burt Odinet |
Holy Cross |
2 |
Mark Scardina |
Belaire |
3 |
Robert Shelton |
Jeanerette |
4 |
Clark Grandbouche |
De La Salle |
5 |
Chris Dunshee |
Brother Martin |
6 |
Chris Young |
St. Mark's |
Back to
185 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Erik Ketelsen |
Belaire |
2 |
Pat Guidry |
Redemptorist |
3 |
Wilson Landry |
Carencro |
4 |
Randy Hollier |
Acadiana |
5 |
John Rigney |
Brother Martin |
6 |
Steve Walters |
Riverdale |
Back to
210 Pounds
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Klay Guillot |
Holy Cross |
2 |
James Shaheen |
Belaire |
3 |
Todd Travis |
Acadiana |
4 |
Gerry Edgens |
Baker |
5 |
Chris Hodges |
Tara |
6 |
Jeff Dickens |
R.L. Turner |
Back to
Place |
Wrestler |
School |
Score |
1 |
Sean Montgomery |
West Jefferson |
2 |
Bryant Williams |
Belaire |
3 |
Clint Brown |
Bonnabel |
4 |
D.G. Tennant |
Baker |
5 |
Jerry Wineski |
Holy Cross |
6 |
Conrad Decuire |
Northside |
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