1986 Baton Rouge Regional Tournament

Teams Scores and Champions

Region Wrestling Championships 1986
Place Winners

(Note - Only the first and second placers are correct, except for 132# and 138#, in which only first is correct)

98     132     167    
1. Rene Caballero Redemptorist 1. Guy Mistretta Redemptorist 1. Carlton Thomas Capitol
2. John Dugas Catholic ? Chuck Stansberry Lee 2. Jerry Thomas Zachary
? Tito Early Lee ? Marvin Swares Capitol ? Patrick Mahoney Baton Rouge
Chris Harris Baker ? Craig Gerhard Baton Rouge Mark Riles Baker
Sean McDonald Belaire ? Cliff Merchant Catholic Cameron Pitcher Lee
Chad Moore Woodlawn ? Ken Lang Belaire Patrick Murphy Redemptorist
105     138     185    
1. Kenneth Brown Baton Rouge 1. Bryan Brayboy Lee 1. Brandon LaTour Lee
2. John Zvoneek Catholic ? Kevin Allen Baker 2. Bruce Williams Belaire
? Derek Capello Tara ? Troy Unbehagen Redemptorist ? Matt Tibbetts Catholic
Tony Crawford Belaire ? Teddy Torres Belaire Shedrick Mayweather McKinley
Russell Arceneaux Zachary ? Terry Williams Capitol David Hobbs Zachary
David Armstrong Lee ? Donnie Deshotels Zachary Jamie Ducote Baker
112     145     210    
1. Darren Parish Belaire 1. Jim Lamy Catholic 1. Chip Morgan Baker
2. Larry Carter Redemptorist 2. Carlos Kirk Capitol 2. David Crowder Lee
? Kurt Meyer Baton Rouge ? John Green Tara ? Michael Johnson Capitol
Craig Tibbetts Catholic ? Cary Brayboy Lee Tom Frazier Zachary
Thomas Schulze Tara ? Brad Turner Baker Chris Patrick Tara
Timothy Carter Capitol ? Forrest Anderson Baton Rouge Patrick Hannie Catholic
119     155     Hwt.    
1. Robbie Dicks Lee 1. Trae Lemieux Lee 1. Greg Summers Belaire
2. Fred Martin Catholic 2. Jim Lackett Catholic 2. Terry Moore Baker
J Mason Mallory Zachary ? Douglas Alcorn Baton Rouge ? Charles Smith McKinley
Chad Galbo Baker ? Ricky Horn Zachary Lloyd Willis Tara
Raymond Vessell Capitol ? Earl Roan Baker None  
Samuel Smith McKinley ? Carl Hudson Belaire None  
1. John Moddrell Lee            
2. Chad Stutzman Belaire            
? David Miranda Tara            
Henry Cooks Capitol          
Eric Booker Zachary          
Dan Holliday Catholic          

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