Video Notes
That the Webmaster is a novice and learned how to use his camera for taking videos via the empirical method is obvious.
This video icon
will open a new Webspage
with the video files embedded into it. The files are 8.WMV files or, if
two or more video files had to be merged, *.AVI files. The files should
play on PCs just fine. Apple products may require downloading certain
programs to read or convert the files, or APPs.
My apologies to the finalists for whom I did not video the entire matches. My apologies also to the 120# finalists as, for a reason as yet unknown to me, no audio is available for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th segments after they were merged with the 1st segment into one file.
Downloading the videos will save the video to your computer, but will take a couple of minutes to complete. Then, however, depending upon the viewer's computer and its default settings, it should play immediately and the "Full Screen" option can be used.